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DSPSR user documentation: dspsr
Folding Survey Candidates
A new survey candidate has very few parameters: the spin period,
trial dispersion measure, and perhaps an acceleration. These
can be input to dspsr using a simple text file; for example:
SOURCE: SC0001_04151
PERIOD: 1.362819517 s
DM: 50.6
ACC: 42.70 (m/s/s)
RA: 09:10:18
DEC: -72:07:35
Note that:
- Each key/value pair is a single line: "KEY: value".
- Key matching is case sensitive, and requires the colon (with no
whitespace between the keyword and the colon).
- Everything after the value is ignored.
- It is necessary to specify PERIOD (in seconds)
before ACC (acceleration in m/s/s).
- By default, dspsr assumes that the epoch of the spin period
is the start of the observation. To specify a different epoch (e.g. the
middle of the observation) use the EPOCH key with value specified as MJD.
- As an alternative to ACC, it is also possible to specify PDOT
- As an alternative to PERIOD, it is also possible to specify TELESCOPE
and BARYPERIOD. The TELESCOPE value must be a telescope code that is
recognized by tempo or tempo2 (which are used to get the ITRF
coordinates of the telescope).
This file is input to dspsr as a phase predictor using the
-P command-line option; e.g. if the above example were
saved as accel.txt and the raw data were in
dspsr -P accel.txt pointing.dat
This will produce a single folded profile, integrated over the duration
of the observation stored in pointing.dat. To produce
multiple sub-integrations, use the -L command-line option;
e.g. to produce 10-second sub-integrations:
dspsr -P accel.txt -L 10 pointing.dat
Each sub-integration will be written to a different file; it is also
possible, though less memory-efficient, to produce a single file
containing multiple sub-integrations with the -A option.