DSPSR user documentation: dspsr

Processing data stored in the VLBI Data Interchange Format (VDIF)

Important Note: Currently, dspsr can process only a VDIF Data Stream that consists of a single Data Thread carrying multi-channel Data Frames. Support for a VDIF Data Stream that consists of multiple single-channel Data Threads has not yet been implemented.

To process data stored in the VLBI Data Interchange Format (VDIF) format, you'll need to

  1. check out the vdif-devel development branch; e.g.
    cd dspsr/
    git pull
    git checkout vdif-devel
  2. compile dspsr with the string vdif included in the backends.list file.
The VDIF format does not completely describe the data in each packet. Therefore, for each VDIF binary data file, it is necessary to provide a separate ASCII header file that further describes the data. This ASCII header file is passed on the command line to dspsr, which then looks for the binary data file in one of two ways:
  1. If the DATAFILE keyword/value pair is specified in the ASCII header file, then the specified path to the binary data file is used
  2. If DATAFILE is not specified in the ASCII header file, then dspsr looks for a binary data file with the same name as the ASCII header file after stripping off the ".hdr" extension (e.g. data04_wa_no0009.00000049.hdr becomes data04_wa_no0009.00000049).

Header parameters

When parsing ASCII header parameters, the minimum information required by DSPSR is as follows:
  • TELESCOPE: the name of the observatory as recognized by tempo/tempo2
  • SOURCE: the name of the source
  • FREQ: centre frequency of the observed band in MHz
  • BW: total width of the observed band (summed over all contiguous frequency channels) in MHz
  • NPOL: number of polarizations
  • NCHAN: number of contiguous frequency channels into which the band is divided
Here is an example:
SOURCE J0835-4510
FREQ 6476
BW 128