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Archiver.h Pulsar void set_coordmode(const std::string &mode) virtual unsigned get_npol() const=0 void set_date_str(const std::string &date) std::string archive_class_name Name of the Pulsar::Archive class used to create new instances. Definition: Archiver.h:139 Pulsar::Archive * new_Archive() const Generate a new Archive for output. Definition: Archiver.C:150 virtual unsigned get_npol() const=0 Reference::To< Pulsar::Archive > single_archive The Pulsar::Archive instance to which data will be added. Definition: Archiver.h:148 uint64_t get_ndat_folded() const Return the number of time samples folded into the profiles for all channels. Definition: PhaseSeries.C:521 virtual void add_extension(Extension *extension) Reference::To< Pulsar::Interpreter > interpreter The script interpreter used to process Archive data before unloading. Definition: Archiver.h:157 void raw_to_central(unsigned ichan, Pulsar::MoreProfiles *moments, const Pulsar::Integration *means, const unsigned *hits) Convert raw moments to central moments of means. Definition: Archiver.C:819 const float * get_amps() const void add_extension(Pulsar::Archive::Extension *extension) Add a Pulsar::Archive::Extension to those added to the output archive. Definition: Archiver.C:144 unsigned get_npol(const PhaseSeries *phase) const Get the effective number of polarizations in the output archive. Definition: Archiver.C:451 void set_basis(Signal::Basis basis) virtual MJD get_epoch() const=0 void finish() Perform any clean up tasks before completion. Definition: Archiver.C:326 std::string extension The filename extension. Definition: PhaseSeriesUnloader.h:94 FluxDensity void set_name(const std::string &_name) void set_archive(Pulsar::Archive *archive) Set the Pulsar::Archive instance to which data will be added. Definition: Archiver.C:121 virtual unsigned get_nsubint() const=0 NthPower void set(Pulsar::Archive *archive, const PhaseSeries *phase) Set the Pulsar::Archive with the PhaseSeries data. Definition: Archiver.C:477 void set_script(const std::vector< std::string > &jobs) Set the post-processing script. Definition: Archiver.C:138 double minimum_integration_length Minimum integration length required to unload data. Definition: Archiver.h:130 Reference::To< const HistUnpacker > hist_unpacker HistUnpacker from which DigitiserCounts Extension will be constructed. Definition: Archiver.h:166 State virtual unsigned get_nbin() const=0 Stokes unsigned get_nbin() const T * getadd() virtual void add_extension(Extension *extension) void set_archive_class(const std::string &archive_class_name) Set the name of the Pulsar::Archive class used to create new instances. Definition: Archiver.C:111 static bool record_time Global flag enables stopwatch to record the time spent operating. Definition: Operation.h:42 static Archive * new_Archive(const std::string &class_name) virtual unsigned get_nchan() const=0 Defines the interface by which operations are performed on data. Definition: Operation.h:37 std::vector< std::string > script Commands used to process Archive data before unloading. Definition: Archiver.h:154 Reference::To< const Response > passband Response from which Passband Extension will be constructed. Definition: Archiver.h:160 PP_State Intensity virtual double get_duration() const=0 Integration * get_Integration(unsigned subint) unsigned subints_per_file Number of subints per output Archive (0 implies no limit) Definition: Archiver.h:151 std::vector< Reference::To< Pulsar::Archive::Extension > > extensions The Pulsar::Archive::Extension classes to be added to the output. Definition: Archiver.h:172 Base class for things that can unload PhaseSeries data somewhere. Definition: PhaseSeriesUnloader.h:30 Creates a new instance of Pulsar::Archive to be used for output. Definition: OutputArchive.h:22 Pulsar::Archive * get_archive() Get the Pulsar::Archive instance to which all data were added. Definition: Archiver.C:127 std::string command_line Command line of the calling program. Definition: Archiver.h:136 void set_weight(unsigned ichan, float weight) void unload(const PhaseSeries *) Unloads all available data to a Pulsar::Archive instance. Definition: Archiver.C:198 void set_dispersion_measure(double dispersion_measure) void set_archive_software(std::string _archive_software) A dspReduction extension is added to the archive with this string. Definition: Archiver.h:111 void set_reference_frequency(double MHz) QQ_State bool unload_profiles_with_zero_hits Unload profiles with phase bins that have zero hits. Definition: Archiver.h:133 Reference::To< SpectralKurtosis > spectral_kurtosis SpectralKurtosis from which SpectralKurtosis Extension will be constructed. Definition: Archiver.h:169 bool store_dynamic_extensions Output dynamic header information (mostly diagnostic statistics) Definition: Archiver.h:175 bool force_archive_class do not allow the Input class to dicate the output archive file format Definition: Archiver.h:142 virtual void add_extension(Extension *extension) void set_command_line(const std::string &) Set the command line of the calling program. Definition: Archiver.C:101 std::string get_filename() const void add(Pulsar::Archive *archive, const PhaseSeries *phase) Add the PhaseSeries data to the Pulsar::Archive instance. Definition: Archiver.C:405 void pack(Pulsar::dspReduction *, Operation *) Set the Pulsar::dspReduction Extension. Definition: ArchiverExtensions.C:101 const T * get() const std::string get_archive_software() A dspReduction extension is added to the archive with this string. Definition: Archiver.h:115 virtual unsigned get_nchan() const=0 const std::string get_message() const bool postprocess(Pulsar::Archive *archive) Execute any post-processing steps, return true if successful. Definition: Archiver.C:352 void set_minimum_integration_length(double seconds) Set the minimum integration length required to unload data. Definition: Archiver.C:106 virtual double get_folding_period() const=0 virtual void set_weight(float) Profile * get_Profile(unsigned ipol, unsigned ichan) virtual unsigned get_nbin() const=0 bool use_single_archive Store all output in a single archive. Definition: Archiver.h:145 virtual Profile * get_Profile(unsigned i) FourthMoment @ OrderFPT Frequency, Polarization, Time (default before 3 October 2008) Definition: TimeSeries.h:47 virtual void set_state(Signal::State state)=0 @ OrderTFP Time, Frequency, Polarization (better for many things) Definition: TimeSeries.h:50 virtual unsigned get_size() const unsigned get_nbin() const Get the number of phase bins. Definition: PhaseSeries.h:99 Reference::To< const ExcisionUnpacker > excision_unpacker ExcisionUnpacker from which TwoBitStats Extension will be constructed. Definition: Archiver.h:163 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17