class | ACFilterbank |
| Calculates Power Spectral Density or Auto-Correlation Function. More...
class | Apodization |
| Various apodizing (window) functions. More...
class | APSREightBit |
| Converts APSR data from 8-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | APSRFourBit |
| Converts APSR data from 8-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | APSRTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts APSR data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | Archiver |
| Class to unload PhaseSeries data in a Pulsar::Archive. More...
class | ASCIIObservation |
| Parses Observation attributes from an ASCII header. More...
class | ASPFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a MkV file. More...
class | ASPUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the ASP files. More...
class | AutoCorrelation |
| Forms lag spectra in any number of frequency channels and polarizations. More...
class | Bandpass |
| Produces the bandpass of an undetected timeseries. More...
class | BandpassMonitor |
| Rescale all channels and polarizations. More...
class | BCPMFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a BCPM data file. More...
class | BitSeries |
| A container for storing digitized (generally not floating point) data
class | BitStatsPlotter |
| Plots the histograms maintained by HistUnpacker classes. More...
class | BitTable |
| Look-up table for converting N-bit digitized to floating point numbers. More...
class | BitUnpacker |
| Converts N-bit digitised samples to floating point using a BitTable. More...
class | BlockFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a file organized in blocks. More...
class | BlockSize |
| Sizes of header, data, and tailer of data that are divided in blocks / frames / heaps. More...
class | BPSRCrossUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the BPSR cross pol files. More...
class | BPSRUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the BPSR files. More...
class | BufferingPolicy |
| Defines the interface by which Transformation data are buffered. More...
class | ChanPolSelect |
| ChanPolSelect Transformation that selects the specified, contiguous channels and polarisations from the input, writing to the output. More...
class | CloneArchive |
| Creates a cloned instance of Pulsar::Archive to be used for output. More...
class | CODIFEightBitUnpacker |
| Unpack 8-bit CODIF data. More...
class | CODIFFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a CODIF file. More...
class | CODIFFourBitUnpacker |
| Unpack 4-bit, single-pol CODIF data. More...
class | CODIFTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts CODIF data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | CODIFTwoBitCorrectionMulti |
| Converts CODIF data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | CODIFTwoBitTable |
| Look-up tables for conversion from CODIF two-bit to floating point numbers. More...
class | CommandLineHeader |
| Allow ascii_header-style params to be entered on the command line. More...
class | Convolution |
| Convolves a TimeSeries using a frequency response function. More...
class | CPSR2_Observation |
| General means of constructing Observation attributes from CPSR2 data. More...
class | CPSR2File |
| Loads BitSeries data from a CPSR2 data file. More...
class | CPSR2TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts CPSR2 data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | CPSRFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a CPSR data file. More...
class | CPSRTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts CPSR data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | CumulativeDistribution |
class | CyclicFold |
| Fold TimeSeries data into cyclic spectra. More...
class | CyclicFoldEngine |
| Engine class that actually performs the computation. More...
class | DADABuffer |
| Loads BitSeries data from a DADA ring buffer shared memory. More...
class | DADAFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a DADA data file. More...
class | DADAHeader |
| Manages a DADA ASCII header block. More...
class | DADAOutputFile |
| Writes BitSeries data to a single DADA File. More...
class | DataSeries |
| Container of dimension/time-major order floating point data. More...
class | Dedispersion |
| Phase-coherent dispersion removal frequency response function. More...
class | Derotation |
| Phase-coherent birefringence removal frequency response function. More...
class | Detection |
| Detects phase-coherent TimeSeries data. More...
class | Digitizer |
| Convert floating point samples to N-bit samples. More...
class | dspExtension |
| Extensions that can be added to the Extensions class. More...
class | DualFile |
| Load a pair of input BitSeries using ParallelBitSeries from a pair of parallel Inputs. More...
class | DummyFile |
| Make fake data for benchmark purposes. More...
class | DummyUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker. More...
class | Dump |
| Dumps TimeSeries data to file in either binary or ascii format. More...
class | EDAFourBit |
| Converts single-dish EDA data from 4-bit to floating point values. More...
class | EightBitOne |
| Unpack one 8-bit samples per byte from an array of bytes. More...
class | EightBitUnpacker |
| Converts 8-bit digitised samples to floating point. More...
class | EmerlinTwoBitTable |
| Look-up tables for conversion from Emerlin two-bit to floating point numbers. More...
class | Example |
| Simple example of how to inherit the Transformation template base class. More...
class | ExcisionHistoryPlotter |
class | ExcisionStatsPlotter |
| Plots the histograms maintained by ExcisionUnpacker. More...
class | ExcisionUnpacker |
| Excises digitized data with statistics outside of acceptable limits. More...
class | FadcFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a Fadc file. More...
class | FadcObservation |
| General means of constructing Observation attributes from FADC data. More...
class | FadcTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts FADC data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | FadcUnpacker |
| 2-bit to float unpacker for the FADC files More...
class | File |
| Loads BitSeries data from file. More...
class | FilenameConvention |
| Defines the output filename convention. More...
class | FilenameEpoch |
| Output filenames based on the date/time of the observation. More...
class | FilenamePulse |
| Output filenames based on the pulse number (for single pulses) More...
class | FilenameSequential |
| Output filenames with a sequentially increasing index appended. More...
class | Filterbank |
| Breaks a single-band TimeSeries into multiple frequency channels. More...
class | FilterbankBench |
| Stores Filterbank benchmark data. More...
class | FilterbankEngineCPU |
| Discrete convolution filterbank step for CPU. More...
class | FITSDigitizer |
| Converts floating point values to N-bit PSRFITS search-mode format. More...
class | FITSFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a PSRFITS data file. More...
class | FITSOutputFile |
| writes BitSeries data to a PSRFITS "search mode" file More...
class | FloatUnpacker |
| Unpacks floating point numbers stored in time-major order. More...
class | Fold |
| Fold TimeSeries data into phase-averaged profile(s) More...
class | FoldManager |
| Manage multiple Fold operations. More...
class | FourBitTwo |
| Unpack two 4-bit samples per byte from an array of bytes. More...
class | FourBitUnpacker |
| Converts 4-bit digitised samples to floating point. More...
class | FourthMoment |
| Forms the fourth-order moments of the electric field. More...
class | FScrunch |
| Decimates a TimeSeries in the frequency domain. More...
class | FZoom |
| Perform a coarse (channelized) zoom to specified freq/bw. More...
class | GatherMask |
| Gathers the two bits from separate locations. More...
class | GenericEightBitUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for generic 8-bit files. More...
class | GenericFourBitUnpacker |
| Converts single-dish GMRT data from 4-bit to floating point values. More...
class | GenericSixteenBitUnpacker |
| Simple 16-bit to float unpacker for generic 16-bit files. More...
class | GenericTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts Generic data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | GenericVoltageDigitizer |
| Digitizer that converts FTP or TFP ordered TimeSeries to TFP-ordered, Twos Complement BitSeries. More...
class | GMRTBinaryFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a GMRTBinary data file. More...
class | GMRTFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a MkV file. More...
class | GMRTFilterbank16 |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the BPSR files. More...
class | GMRTFilterbankFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a GMRT filterbank data file. More...
class | GMRTFourBit |
| Converts single-dish GMRT data from 4-bit to floating point values. More...
class | GMRTUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the GMRT files. More...
class | GUPPIBlockFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from GUPPI data blocks. More...
class | GUPPIBuffer |
| Loads BitSeries data from guppi_daq shared memory. More...
class | GUPPIFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a raw GUPPI file. More...
class | GUPPIFITSUnpacker |
| Unpacks data from PSRFITS files produced by GUPPI and related systems. More...
class | GUPPIFourBit |
| Converts GUPPI data from 4-bit to floating point values. More...
class | GUPPITwoBitCorrection |
| Converts GUPPI data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | GUPPITwoBitCorrectionComplex |
| Converts GUPPI 2-pol, complex, 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | GUPPIUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for GUPPI baseband files. More...
class | HasInput |
| Attaches to Operations with input. More...
class | HasOutput |
| Attaches to Operations with outputs. More...
class | HistUnpacker |
| Bit unpacker that keeps a histogram and optimal statistics. More...
class | Input |
| Pure virtual base class of all objects that can load BitSeries data. More...
class | InputBuffering |
| Buffers the Transformation input. More...
class | InputSource |
| Source objects that have an input Type. More...
class | InverseFilterbank |
| Performs the PFB inversion synthesis operation. More...
class | InverseFilterbankEngineCPU |
| InverseFilterbankEngineCPU is the InverseFilterbank engine that runs on the CPU. More...
class | IOManager |
| Produces TimeSeries data by integrating an Input with an Unpacker. More...
class | LBADR64_File |
| Loads TimeSeries data from a LBADR64 data file. More...
class | LBADR64_TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts LBADR64 data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | LevelHistory |
| Logs the history of digitized data statistics. More...
class | LevelMonitor |
| Monitors digitizer levels and issues corrective commands. More...
class | LoadToFil |
| A single LoadToFil thread. More...
class | LoadToFilN |
| Multiple LoadToFil threads. More...
class | LoadToFITS |
| A single LoadToFITS thread. More...
class | LoadToFITSN |
| Multiple LoadToFITS threads. More...
class | LoadToFold |
| A single LoadToFold thread. More...
class | LoadToFoldN |
| Multiple LoadToFold threads. More...
class | LoadToQuantize |
| Decimates input time series. More...
class | LOFAR_DALFile |
| Wrapper around the LOFAR DAL classes used to load beam-formed data. More...
class | LOFAR_DALUnpacker |
| Unpacks floating point numbers stored in time-major order. More...
class | LuMPFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a LuMP data file. More...
class | LuMPObservation |
| Parses Observation attributes from a LuMP header. More...
class | LuMPUnpacker |
| Unpack LUMP data (4, 8, 16, -16, -32, -64 bits per sample) More...
class | LWAFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a LWA DRX file. More...
class | LWAUnpacker |
| Simple 4-bit complex to float unpacker for the LWA files. More...
class | Mark4File |
| Loads TimeSeries data from a Mark4 data file. More...
class | Mark4TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts Mark4 data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | Mark4TwoBitTable |
| Look-up tables for conversion from Mark4 two-bit to floating point numbers. More...
class | Mark5bFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a MkV file using the mark5access library. More...
class | Mark5bUnpacker |
| Interface to Walter Brisken's upacker for Mark5b VLBA/Mark4 files. More...
class | Mark5File |
| Loads BitSeries data from a MkV file. More...
class | Mark5TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts Mark5 data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | Mark5Unpacker |
| Interface to Walter Brisken's upacker for Mark5 VLBA/Mark4 files. More...
class | Mask |
| Masks samples in the input TimeSeries by setting them to zero. More...
class | MaskTimes |
| Mask samples in the input TimeSeries that are spanned by time intervals. More...
class | MaximFile |
| Loads TimeSeries data from a Maxim data file. More...
class | MaximUnpacker |
| Very simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the Hobart 14m Vela system. More...
class | Memory |
| Pure virtual base class of objects that manage memory allocation and destruction. More...
class | MemoryHost |
| Manages memory allocation and destruction on the host machine. More...
class | MPIRoot |
| Loads BitSeries data using the MPI communications protocol. More...
class | MPIServer |
| Serves data from a number of MPIRoot instances. More...
class | MPITrans |
| Loads BitSeries data using the MPI communications protocol. More...
class | MultiFile |
| Base class of objects that load data from multiple files. More...
class | Multiplex |
| Loads BitSeries data from multiple files. More...
class | MultiThread |
| Multiple pipeline threads. More...
class | NLowLookup |
| Manage now lookup table for ExcisionUnpacker derived classes. More...
class | Observation |
| Stores information about digital, band-limited, time-varying signals. More...
class | ObservationChange |
| Stores parameters that should be changed. More...
class | OneBitCorrection |
| Converts a TimeSeries from one-bit digitized to floating-point values Note that algorithm 1 loses ndatMM samples (And algorithm 1 is only one coded/enabled as at 20 January 2004) More...
class | Operation |
| Defines the interface by which operations are performed on data. More...
class | OperationThread |
| Executes one or more Operations in sequence in a separate thread. More...
class | OptimalFFT |
| Chooses the optimal FFT length for Filterbank and/or Convolution. More...
class | OptimalFilterbank |
| Chooses the optimal FFT length for Filterbank and/or Convolution. More...
class | OutputArchive |
| Creates a new instance of Pulsar::Archive to be used for output. More...
class | OutputDADABuffer |
| A class for writing BitSeries data to a DADA ring buffer. More...
class | OutputFile |
| Pure virtual base class of all objects that can unload BitSeries data. More...
class | OutputFileShare |
| Share one OutputFile among multiple processing threads. More...
class | ParallelBitSeries |
| Manages an array of BitSeries to be process in parallel. More...
class | ParallelInput |
| Loads multiple parallel BitSeries data from multiple files. More...
class | ParallelIOManager |
| Produces TimeSeries data by integrating a ParallelInput with a ParallelUnpacker. More...
class | ParallelUnpacker |
| Manages an array of Unpacker objects to be process in parallel. More...
class | PdevFile |
| PdevFile reads baseband data from the Mock Spectrometers at Arecibo. More...
class | PearsonVI |
| Pearson VI probability density function. More...
class | PhaseLockedFilterbank |
| Performs FFT at specific pulse phase windows. More...
class | PhaseSeries |
| Data as a function of pulse phase. More...
class | PhaseSeriesUnloader |
| Base class for things that can unload PhaseSeries data somewhere. More...
class | Pipeline |
| Abstract base class of data reduction pipelines. More...
class | PlasmaResponseProduct |
| Represents a product of PlasmaResponse instances. More...
class | PMDAQ_Observation |
| General means of constructing Observation attributes from PMDAQ data. More...
class | PMDAQFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a PMDAQ data file. More...
class | PolnReshape |
| Convert npol=2,ndim=2 format to variety of other data shapes. More...
class | PolnSelect |
| Select only a single polarization from a TimeSeries. More...
class | PrestoObservation |
| Copy Observation attributes from a PRESTO infodata structure. More...
class | PScrunch |
| PScrunch all channels and polarizations. More...
class | PuMa2_Observation |
| General means of constructing Observation attributes from PuMa2 data. More...
class | PuMa2File |
| Loads BitSeries data from a PuMa2 data file. More...
class | PuMa2Unpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the PuMa2 files. More...
class | PuMaFile |
| Loads TimeSeries data from a PuMa data file. More...
class | PuMaTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts PuMa data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | Rescale |
| Rescale all channels and polaristions indepdenently to a zero mean and unit variance. More...
class | Reserve |
| Remembers how much has been reserved and increases it if necessary. More...
class | Resize |
| Apply simple resize operation inplace to timeseries. More...
class | Response |
| Describes a frequency (or impulse) response. More...
class | ResponseProduct |
| Represents a product of Response instances. More...
class | RFIFilter |
| Real-time RFI mitigation using a frequency response function. More...
class | RFIZapper |
| Real-time RFI zapping using a TFP Filterbank. More...
class | S2File |
| Loads BitSeries data from a S2 data file. More...
class | S2TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts S2 data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | S2TwoBitTable |
| Look-up tables for conversion from S2 two-bit to floating point numbers. More...
class | SampleDelayFunction |
| Virtual base class of sample delay functions. More...
class | ScalarFilter |
| Simple rescaling with a scalar frequency response function. More...
class | Scratch |
| Scratch space that can be shared between Operations. More...
class | Seekable |
| Pure virtual base class of sources that can seek through data. More...
class | SerialFiles |
| Loads serial BitSeries data from multiple files. More...
class | Shape |
| Base class of objects that Shape data in the time or frequency domain. More...
class | ShiftMask |
| Shift and mask two contiguous bits. More...
class | SignalPath |
| Stores information about the signal path. More...
class | SigProcDigitizer |
| Converts floating point values to N-bit sigproc filterbank format. More...
class | SigProcFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a SigProc data file. More...
class | SigProcObservation |
| Parses Observation attributes from a SigProc header. More...
class | SigProcOutputFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a SigProc data file. More...
class | SigProcUnpacker |
| Unpack SIGPROC data (1, 2, 4, or 8 bits per sample) More...
class | Simultaneous |
| An extension of dsp::RingBuffer to allow any class to run in a separate thread Be wary of use in save_data context + CombineThread context Be wary of changing input/output of the Operation mid-run HSK 17 January 2005. More...
class | SingleFile |
| Test the ParallelInput concept using a single File. More...
class | SingleThread |
| A single Pipeline thread. More...
class | SingleUnpacker |
| Test the ParallelUnpacker concept using a single Unpacker. More...
class | Sink |
| Defines the interface to operations that terminate on input. More...
class | SixteenBitUnpacker |
| Converts 16-bit digitised samples to floating point. More...
class | SKAParallelUnpacker |
| Processes ParallelBitSeries with containing Data and Weights with a Single Unpacker. More...
class | SKDetector |
| Apply SKFilterbank results to a weighted timeseries. More...
class | SKFilterbank |
| Breaks a single-band TimeSeries into multiple frequency channels. More...
class | SKLimits |
| Computes the upper and lower bounds on estimates of the generalized spectral kurtosis. More...
class | SKMasker |
| Apply SKFilterbank results to a timeseries. More...
class | SMROFile |
| Loads TimeSeries data from a SMRO data file. More...
class | SMROTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts SMRO data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | Source |
| Abstract interface to sources of TimeSeries data. More...
class | SourceFactory |
| Creates new Source objects. More...
class | SPDA1K_File |
| Loads TimeSeries data from file. More...
class | SpectralKurtosis |
| Perform Spectral Kurtosis on Input Timeseries, creating output Time Series. More...
class | SpigotFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a Spigot data file. More...
class | SubByteTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts BitSeries data from two-bit digitized to floating-point values. More...
class | Subint |
| Unload PhaseSeries data into sub-integrations. More...
class | TestInput |
| A class used for testing in both test_Input.C and test_MPIRoot.C. More...
class | TFPFilterbank |
| Breaks a single-band TimeSeries into multiple frequency channels. More...
class | TFPOffset |
| Computes array offset into TFP-ordered TimeSeries. More...
class | TimeDivide |
| Calculates the boundaries of a division of time. More...
class | TimeSeries |
| Arrays of consecutive samples for each polarization and frequency channel. More...
class | Transformation |
| Defines the interface by which Transformations are performed on data. More...
class | TScrunch |
| Decimates a TimeSeries in the time domain. More...
class | TwoBit |
| Unpack one or two 2-bit samples per byte from an array of bytes. More...
class | TwoBitCorrection |
| Converts BitSeries data from two-bit digitized to floating-point values. More...
class | TwoBitFour |
| Unpack four 2-bit samples per byte from an array of bytes. More...
class | TwoBitLookup |
| Creates lookup table for 2-bit dynamic output level setting. More...
class | TwoBitTable |
| Look-up table for converting 2-bit digitized to floating point numbers. More...
class | TwoBitToChar |
| Defines interface to 2-bit extractors. More...
class | TwoBitToChar< 1 > |
| Extracts one 2-bit number per byte. More...
class | TwoBitToChar< 2 > |
| Extracts two 2-bit numbers per byte. More...
class | UnderSamplingBench |
| Stores UnderSampling benchmark data. More...
class | UniversalInputBuffering |
| Buffers any TimeSeries used by Transformation. More...
class | UnloaderShare |
| Unload PhaseSeries data from multiple threads. More...
class | Unpacker |
| Abstract base class of Transformations that convert n-bit to float. More...
class | UnpackerSource |
| Produces TimeSeries data by integrating an InputType with an UnpackerType. More...
class | VDIFEightBitUnpacker |
| Unpack 8-bit VDIF data. More...
class | VDIFFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a VDIF file. More...
class | VDIFFourBitUnpacker |
| Unpack 4-bit, single-pol VDIF data. More...
class | VDIFnByteUnpacker |
| Simple N-byte to float unpacker for VDIF files. More...
class | VDIFTwoBitCorrection |
| Converts VDIF data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | VDIFTwoBitCorrectionMulti |
| Converts VDIF data from 2-bit digitized to floating point values. More...
class | VDIFTwoBitTable |
| Look-up tables for conversion from VDIF two-bit to floating point numbers. More...
class | WAPPFile |
| Loads BitSeries data from a WAPP file. More...
class | WAPPUnpacker |
| Simple 8-bit to float unpacker for the WAPP files. More...
class | WeightedTimeSeries |
| Container of weighted time-major order floating point data. More...
class | ZapWeight |
| Apply SKFilterbank results to a timeseries. More...
Contains all Baseband Data Reduction Library classes.
A MiniPlan consists of a vector of SubInts and common information.
Each SubInt contains just enough information to miniaturise/deminiaturise data, and also stores how that SubInt was generated. (i.e. when the data used to generate it started and how much of that data was used.)
The MiniPlan also stores the number of bits for miniaturising and a 'sigma_max' parameter. This is used for setting the levels for miniaturising in terms of how many standard deviations a datum is away from the mean. The MiniPlan stores the rate of the input data so that the relevant SubInt can be extracted for a particular input time.
The MiniPlan also stores 'requested_duration' and 'requested_scan_samps'. These determine how long any incoming SubInts being push-backed onto the SubInt vector are to be (requested_duration), and how many samples are needed to generate their means and std devs (requested_scan_samps).
This class takes 2 buffers, and basically swaps them.
Manages the execution of one or more Fold instances