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Mark4File.h int count_channels(int file_descriptor) const Evaluates how many channels of data are present - assumes file open. Definition: Mark4File.C:147 Nyquist char SYNC_pattern Defines the SYNC pattern to search for. Definition: Mark4File.h:60 bool is_valid(const char *filename) const Return true if filename contains data in the recognized format. Definition: Mark4File.C:34 Mark4File(const char *filename=0) Construct and open file. Definition: Mark4File.C:21 MJD decode_date(uint64_t from=0) Returns the MJD date of the next header. Definition: Mark4File.C:222 unsigned int channels Defines the number of data channels. Definition: Mark4File.h:57 void open_file(const char *filename) Open the file. Definition: Mark4File.C:50 uint64_t find_sync(int file_descriptor, uint64_t from=0) const Locates the next SYNC pulse, relative to the 'from' position. Definition: Mark4File.C:179 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17