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Mark5bFile.h unsigned resolution Time sample resolution of the data source. Definition: Input.h:178 Interface to Walter Brisken's upacker for Mark5b VLBA/Mark4 files. Definition: Mark5bUnpacker.h:22 Mark5bFile(const char *filename=0, const char *headername=0) Construct and open file Definition: Mark5bFile.C:22 Nyquist int64_t load_bytes(unsigned char *buffer, uint64_t nbytes) Load nbyte bytes of sampled data from the device into buffer. Definition: Mark5bFile.C:264 void open_file(const char *filename) Open the file. Definition: Mark5bFile.C:57 bool is_valid(const char *filename) const Returns true if filename is a valid Mk5 file. Definition: Mark5bFile.C:33 int64_t seek_bytes(uint64_t bytes) Set the file pointer to the absolute number of sampled data bytes. Definition: Mark5bFile.C:273 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17