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MultiThread.h void prepare() Prepare the signal processing pipeline. Definition: SingleThread.C:316 virtual void share(Source *)=0 Share any resources that can/should be shared between threads. virtual void combine(const SingleThread *) Combine the results from another processing thread. Definition: SingleThread.C:678 Reference::To< SingleThread::Config > configuration The shared thread configuration. Definition: MultiThread.h:81 void set_source(Source *) Set the Input from which data are read. Definition: MultiThread.C:68 ThreadContext * source_context Thread lock for Input::load. Definition: MultiThread.h:69 Source * get_source() Get the Input from which data are read. Definition: MultiThread.C:103 void prepare() Prepare to fold the input TimeSeries. Definition: MultiThread.C:127 void take_ostream(std::ostream *newlog) Take and manage a new ostream instance. Definition: SingleThread.C:83 void construct() Build the signal processing pipeline. Definition: SingleThread.C:230 ThreadContext * state_changes Condition for processing thread state changes. Definition: MultiThread.h:72 void set_configuration(SingleThread::Config *) Set the configuration to be used by each thread. Definition: MultiThread.C:59 void construct() Build the signal processing pipeline. Definition: MultiThread.C:109 void set_nthread(unsigned) Set the number of thread to be used. Definition: MultiThread.C:40 virtual SingleThread * new_thread()=0 The creator of new SingleThread threads. virtual void share(SingleThread *) Share any necessary resources with the specified thread. Definition: SingleThread.C:175 SingleThread * colleague Processing thread with whom sharing will occur. Definition: SingleThread.h:144 ThreadContext * state_change State change communication. Definition: SingleThread.h:138 static ThreadContext * context std::vector< Reference::To< SingleThread > > threads The pipeline threads. Definition: MultiThread.h:78 uint64_t get_minimum_samples() const Get the minimum number of samples required to process. Definition: MultiThread.C:174 virtual void set_context(ThreadContext *context)=0 Set the mutual exclusion and condition used to protect shared resources. const std::string get_message() const void wait() virtual void share() Set up any resources that must be shared. Definition: MultiThread.C:139 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17