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Rescale.h Defines the interface by which Transformations are performed on data. Definition: Transformation.h:54 void set_output_after_interval(bool output_after_interval) Do not output any data before the first integration interval has passed. Definition: Rescale.C:20 const double * get_mean(unsigned ipol) const Get the spectrum of integrated input values for the given polarization. Definition: Rescale.C:443 Nyquist void set_interval_seconds(double seconds) Set the rescaling interval in seconds. Definition: Rescale.C:41 void set_interval_samples(uint64_t samples) Set the rescaling interval in samples. Definition: Rescale.C:46 void transformation() Rescale to zero mean and unit variance. Definition: Rescale.C:141 const float * get_time(unsigned ipol) const Get the total power time series for the given polarization. Definition: Rescale.C:460 Arrays of consecutive samples for each polarization and frequency channel. Definition: TimeSeries.h:29 void set_decay(float decay_constant) Subtract an exponential smooth with specified decay constant. Definition: Rescale.C:35 const float * get_scale(unsigned ipol) const Get the spectrum of scales for the given polarization. Definition: Rescale.C:437 const double * get_variance(unsigned ipol) const Get the spectrum in integrated squared input values for the given polarization. Definition: Rescale.C:449 void set_exact(bool exact) If exact, only allow set_interval_samples through each iteration. Definition: Rescale.C:51 void set_output_time_total(bool output_time_total) Maintain fscrunched total that can be output. Definition: Rescale.C:25 void set_constant(bool constant_offset_scale) After setting offset and scale, keep them constant. Definition: Rescale.C:30 const float * get_offset(unsigned ipol) const Get the spectrum of offsets for the given polarization. Definition: Rescale.C:431 MJD get_update_epoch() const Get the epoch of the last scale/offset update. Definition: Rescale.C:426 uint64_t get_nsample() const Get the number of samples between updates. Definition: Rescale.C:455 Analytic @ OrderFPT Frequency, Polarization, Time (default before 3 October 2008) Definition: TimeSeries.h:47 @ OrderTFP Time, Frequency, Polarization (better for many things) Definition: TimeSeries.h:50 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17