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SigProcDigitizer.h 48 };
void set_nbit(int) Set the number of bits per sample. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.C:19 Parses Observation attributes from a SigProc header. Definition: SigProcObservation.h:24 void set_scale(float _scale) Set the manual scale factor. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.h:45 static File * create(const char *filename) Return a pointer to a new instance of the appropriate sub-class. Definition: File.C:67 void pack_float() Special case for floating point data. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.C:309 void unload(FILE *header) Write a SigProc header block. Definition: SigProcObservation.C:230 virtual void copy(const Observation *obs) Same as operator= but takes a pointer. Definition: Observation.h:57 SigProcDigitizer() Default constructor. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.C:11 double get_rate() const Return the sampling rate (time samples per second in Hz) Definition: Observation.h:157 Stores information about digital, band-limited, time-varying signals. Definition: Observation.h:33 void use_digi_scales(bool _rescale) Set whether or not to apply the nbit-depedent scalings. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.h:48 double get_bandwidth() const Return the bandwidth of signal in MHz (-ve = lsb; +ve = usb) Definition: Observation.h:147 std::string get_source() const Return the source name. Definition: Observation.h:122 double get_centre_frequency() const Return the centre frequency of the band-limited signal in MHz. Definition: Observation.h:134 bool verbose bool rescale Should the data be rescaled using the nbit-dependent values? Definition: SigProcDigitizer.h:56 @ OrderFPT Frequency, Polarization, Time (default before 3 October 2008) Definition: TimeSeries.h:47 float scale_fac Additional scale factor to apply to data. Definition: SigProcDigitizer.h:53 @ OrderTFP Time, Frequency, Polarization (better for many things) Definition: TimeSeries.h:50 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17