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SingleFile.h static File * create(const char *filename) Return a pointer to a new instance of the appropriate sub-class. Definition: File.C:67 void set_overlap(uint64_t _overlap) override Set the number of time samples by which consecutive blocks overlap. Definition: SingleFile.C:99 void copy_configuration(const Observation *copy) Copy the configuration of another Observation (not the data) Definition: ParallelBitSeries.C:58 uint64_t get_block_size() const override Return the number of time samples to load on each load_block. Definition: SingleFile.C:81 bool matches(const std::string &descriptor) const override Return true if descriptor describes a file that can be opened. Definition: SingleFile.C:39 virtual void load(ParallelBitSeries *) Load BitSeries data. Definition: ParallelInput.C:105 void set_block_size(uint64_t _size) override Set the number of time samples to load on each load_block. Definition: SingleFile.C:87 void load(ParallelBitSeries *) override Load BitSeries data. Definition: SingleFile.C:71 uint64_t get_overlap() const override Return the number of time samples by which consecutive blocks overlap. Definition: SingleFile.C:93 unsigned get_resolution() const override Get the time sample resolution of the data source. Definition: SingleFile.C:106 Manages an array of BitSeries to be process in parallel. Definition: ParallelBitSeries.h:24 BitSeries * at(unsigned i) Get the ith BitSeries instance. Definition: ParallelBitSeries.h:45 void open(const std::string &descriptor) override Open the file. Definition: SingleFile.C:54 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17