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Bandpass.h Signal::State get_state() const Get the state of the output. Definition: Bandpass.h:42 void detected_input() Integrate when input data are already detected. Definition: Bandpass.C:201 int select_input_channel Produce the bandpass of only the selected input channel. Definition: Bandpass.h:83 PPQQ void set_integrate_all_channels(bool flag) Integrate the passbands of all channels. Definition: Bandpass.h:48 Reference::To< Apodization > apodization Apodization function (time domain window) Definition: Bandpass.h:95 bool has_response() const Return true if the response attribute has been set. Definition: Bandpass.C:42 virtual void set_response(Response *response) Set the frequency response function. Definition: Bandpass.C:37 Defines the interface by which Transformations are performed on data. Definition: Transformation.h:54 void frc1d(size_t nfft, float *into, const float *from) void detect_the_input() Detect input without further channelization. Definition: Bandpass.C:228 unsigned get_nchan() const Get the number of frequency channels in the bandpass. Definition: Bandpass.h:37 virtual const Response * get_response() const Return a pointer to the frequency response function. Definition: Bandpass.C:47 double integration_length Integration length in seconds. Definition: Bandpass.h:89 virtual void set_apodization(Apodization *function) Set the apodization function. Definition: Bandpass.C:31 State Stokes void set_nchan(unsigned nchan) Set the number of frequency channels in the bandpass. Definition: Bandpass.h:35 Nyquist bool integrate_all_channels Integrate the bandpasses of all input channels. Definition: Bandpass.h:86 void transformation() Perform the transformation on the input time series. Definition: Bandpass.C:52 Arrays of consecutive samples for each polarization and frequency channel. Definition: TimeSeries.h:29 unsigned resolution Number of channels in bandpass per input channel. Definition: Bandpass.h:80 Coherence double get_integration_length() Get the integration length (in seconds) Definition: Bandpass.h:63 void set_state(Signal::State state) Set the state of the output. Definition: Bandpass.h:40 void set_selected_input_channel(unsigned ichan) Set the input channel to analyze. Definition: Bandpass.h:45 Reference::To< Response > response Frequency response (fractional delay and fringe, for example) Definition: Bandpass.h:98 Analytic void fcc1d(size_t nfft, float *into, const float *from) void reset_output() Set the integration length and bandpass to zero. Definition: Bandpass.C:294 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17