| Apodization () |
| Null constructor.
void | set_type (const std::string &) |
| Set the type of window function by name.
void | set_analytic (bool f=true) |
| Set true when the data to be tapered are complex-valued.
bool | get_analytic () const |
void | set_size (unsigned) |
| Set the number of samples in the window.
void | set_transition_start (unsigned n) |
| Number of samples in the transition region on the start.
void | set_transition_end (unsigned n) |
| Number of samples in the transition region on the end.
void | set_transition (unsigned n) |
void | build () |
| Build the specified window.
void | Hanning () |
| Create a Hanning window function.
void | Welch () |
| Create a Welch window function.
void | Bartlett () |
| Create a Bartlett window function.
void | Tukey () |
| Create Tukey window function. More...
void | TopHat () |
| Create top hat window function.
void | normalize () |
| make the integrated total of the window equal to one
Type | getType () |
Type | get_type () |
void | operate (float *indata, float *outdata=0) const |
| Multiply indata by the window function.
void | swap () |
| Swap the two halves of the window.
double | integrated_product (float *data, unsigned incr=1) const |
| Returns SUM i=1..N {window[i] * data[i]}.
void | dump (const std::string &filename) |
| Write the window to a text file. More...
| Shape () |
| Default constructor.
virtual | ~Shape () |
| Destructor.
| Shape (const Shape &) |
| Copy constructor.
const Shape & | operator= (const Shape &) |
| Assignment operator.
virtual void | resize (unsigned npol, unsigned nchan, unsigned ndat, unsigned ndim) |
| Set the dimensions of the data.
unsigned | get_npol () const |
| Get the number of polarizations.
unsigned | get_nchan () const |
| Get the number of frequency channels.
unsigned | get_ndat () const |
| Get the number of datum in each of the nchan*npol divisions.
unsigned | get_ndim () const |
| Get the dimension of each datum (e.g. 2=complex 8=Jones)
virtual bool | matches (const Shape *shape) |
| Returns true if the npol, nchan, and ndat dimensions match.
void | scrunch_to (unsigned ndat) |
| Scrunch each dimension to a new ndat.
void | rotate (int npt) |
| Rotate data so that Shape[i] = Shape[i+npt].
void | zero () |
| Set all values to zero.
void | zero_dimensions () |
| Set all dimnensions to zero; allocated memory unaffected.
void | borrow (const Shape &, unsigned ichan=0) |
| Borrow the data from the specified channel of another Shape.
const Shape & | operator/= (float factor) |
| Divide each point by factor.
const Shape & | operator*= (float factor) |
| Multiply each point by factor.
const Shape & | operator+= (const Shape &) |
| Add another Shape to this one.
float * | get_datptr (unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol) |
| Provide access to the data for the specified polarization.
const float * | get_datptr (unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol) const |
| Provide access to the data for the specified polarization.
| OwnStream (const OwnStream &) |
const OwnStream & | operator= (const OwnStream &) |
virtual void | set_cout (std::ostream &) const |
virtual void | set_cerr (std::ostream &) const |
| Able (const Able &) |
Able & | operator= (const Able &) |
unsigned | get_reference_count () const |
| HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &) |
HeapTracked & | operator= (const HeapTracked &) |
bool | __is_on_heap () const |
Various apodizing (window) functions.