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ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h virtual void log_stats(std::vector< double > &mean, std::vector< double > &variance, ExcisionUnpacker *stats) Log the statistics of the digitized data in some form. void init_stats_log(ExcisionUnpacker *converter) this gets called on the first call std::vector< float > times Time of each index in minutes since start. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:63 std::vector< std::vector< float > > means Data mean as a function of time and digitizer. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:59 Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:26 std::vector< std::vector< float > > variances Data variance as a function of time and digitizer. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:61 ExcisionStatsPlotter stat Two-bit digitization histogram plotter. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:53 timeval start Time of the first call to log_stats. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:56 void reset() Reset the history. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:40 Plots the histograms maintained by ExcisionUnpacker. Definition: ExcisionStatsPlotter.h:26 std::vector< int > symbol Shapes of symbols. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:68 std::vector< int > colour Colours of symbol. Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:66 Excises digitized data with statistics outside of acceptable limits. Definition: ExcisionUnpacker.h:28 unsigned ndig number of digitizers Definition: ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h:71 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17