#include <ExcisionHistoryPlotter.h>

Inherits ExcisionHistory.

Public Member Functions

void reset ()
 Reset the history.
virtual void log_stats (std::vector< double > &mean, std::vector< double > &variance, ExcisionUnpacker *stats)
 Log the statistics of the digitized data in some form.

Public Attributes

float keep_minutes

Protected Member Functions

void init_stats_log (ExcisionUnpacker *converter)
 this gets called on the first call

Protected Attributes

ExcisionStatsPlotter stat
 Two-bit digitization histogram plotter.
timeval start
 Time of the first call to log_stats.
std::vector< std::vector< float > > means
 Data mean as a function of time and digitizer.
std::vector< std::vector< float > > variances
 Data variance as a function of time and digitizer.
std::vector< float > times
 Time of each index in minutes since start.
std::vector< int > colour
 Colours of symbol.
std::vector< int > symbol
 Shapes of symbols.
unsigned ndig
 number of digitizers

Detailed Description

Uses PGPLOT to plot the history of the digitizer statistics

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