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LevelMonitor.h Produces TimeSeries data by integrating an Input with an Unpacker. Definition: IOManager.h:26 bool swap_polarizations Swap polarizations. Definition: LevelMonitor.h:129 Bit unpacker that keeps a histogram and optimal statistics. Definition: HistUnpacker.h:25 virtual int accumulate_stats(std::vector< double > &mean, std::vector< double > &variance) Accumulate statistics about incoming data stream. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:232 virtual void set_unpacker(HistUnpacker *)=0 Set the HistUnpacker from which histogram will be recorded. unsigned get_ndim() const Return the dimension of each datum. Definition: Observation.h:80 void set_max_iterations(unsigned) Set the maximum number of iterations before giving up. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:155 virtual int change_gain(unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol, unsigned idim, double scale) Change the gain in the given channel. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:123 double optimal_variance the optimal variance Definition: LevelMonitor.h:115 virtual void monitor() Using input and converter, calculate sampling thresholds. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:174 void set_input(IOManager *input) Set the device to be used to plot/log the digitizer statistics. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:63 unsigned get_npol() const Return the number of polarizations. Definition: Observation.h:90 Container of weighted time-major order floating point data. Definition: WeightedTimeSeries.h:26 Stores information about digital, band-limited, time-varying signals. Definition: Observation.h:33 bool far_from_good flag says we need to get on it Definition: LevelMonitor.h:126 uint64_t n_integrate the number of points to integrate Definition: LevelMonitor.h:95 bool stop_after_good stop setting the thresholds after they are good Definition: LevelMonitor.h:110 void set_swap_polarizations(bool swap) Swap the polarizations. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:160 void set_consecutive(bool swap) Read data consecutively (do not seek to end on each iteration) Definition: LevelMonitor.C:165 unsigned max_iterations Number of iterations, 0 for infinite. Definition: LevelMonitor.h:101 uint64_t block_size the number of points to load in one iteration Definition: LevelMonitor.h:98 virtual int change_levels(unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol, unsigned idim, double offset) Change the level in the given channel. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:141 double mean_tolerance the amount by which the mean may be off zero Definition: LevelMonitor.h:120 bool consecutive Read data consecutively. Definition: LevelMonitor.h:132 void set_history(LevelHistory *history) Set the device to be used to plot/log the digitizer statistics. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:54 double between_iterations the amount of time to sleep between iterations Definition: LevelMonitor.h:104 void set_between_iterations(double seconds) Set the number of seconds to sleep between iterations. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:108 bool setting_thresholds call set_thresholds on each loop Definition: LevelMonitor.h:112 double var_tolerance the amount by which the variance may be off optimal Definition: LevelMonitor.h:123 void set_integration(uint64_t npts) Set the number of points included in each calculation of thresholds. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:103 virtual int set_thresholds(std::vector< double > &mean, std::vector< double > &variance) Set the sampling thresholds based on mean and variance in each channel. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:345 virtual void monitor_abort() Abort monitoring. Definition: LevelMonitor.C:114 unsigned get_nchan() const Return the number of channels into which the band is divided. Definition: Observation.h:85 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17