| WeightedTimeSeries () |
| Default constructor.
| WeightedTimeSeries (const WeightedTimeSeries &) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual WeightedTimeSeries & | operator= (const WeightedTimeSeries ©) |
| Set this equal to copy.
virtual WeightedTimeSeries & | operator+= (const WeightedTimeSeries &data) |
| Add each value in data to this.
void | set_ndat_per_weight (unsigned ndat_per_weight) |
| Set the number of time samples per weight. More...
unsigned | get_ndat_per_weight () const |
| Get the number of time samples per weight.
void | set_npol_weight (unsigned npol_weight) |
| Set the number of polarizations with independent weights.
unsigned | get_npol_weight () const |
| Get the number of polarizations with independent weights.
void | set_nchan_weight (unsigned nchan_weight) |
| Set the number of frequency channels with independent weights.
unsigned | get_nchan_weight () const |
| Get the number of frequency channels with independent weights.
virtual WeightedTimeSeries * | clone () const |
| Cloner (calls new)
virtual WeightedTimeSeries * | null_clone () const |
| Returns a null-instantiation (calls new)
void | set_reserve_kludge_factor (unsigned) |
| Set the reserve kludge factor.
virtual void | copy_configuration (const Observation *copy) |
| Copy the configuration of another WeightedTimeSeries instance.
virtual void | copy_data (const TimeSeries *data, uint64_t idat_start=0, uint64_t ndat=0) |
| Copy the data of another WeightedTimeSeries instance.
virtual void | resize (uint64_t nsamples) |
| Allocate the space required to store nsamples time samples. More...
virtual void | seek (int64_t offset) |
| Offset the base pointer by offset time samples.
virtual void | zero () |
| Set all values to zero.
void | copy_weights (const Observation *copy) |
| Maybe copy the weights from copy.
void | mask_weights () |
| For each zero weight, sets all weights to zero. More...
void | check_weights () |
| Check that each floating point value is zeroed if weight is zero.
void | neutral_weights () |
| Set all weights to one.
uint64_t | get_nweights () const |
| Get the number of weights.
uint64_t | get_nweights (uint64_t nsample) const |
| Get the number of weights required for a given number of samples. More...
void | set_weight_idat (uint64_t weight_idat) |
| Set the offset of the first time sample in the current weight array.
uint64_t | get_weight_idat () const |
| Get the offset into the current weight of the first time sample.
uint64_t | get_nzero () const |
| Get the number of zero weights in the ichan == ipol == 0 array.
unsigned * | get_weights (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) |
| Get the weights array for the specfied polarization and frequency. More...
const unsigned * | get_weights (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) const |
| Get the weights array for the specfied polarization and frequency. More...
void | convolve_weights (unsigned nfft, unsigned nkeep) |
| Flag all weights in corrupted transforms.
void | scrunch_weights (unsigned nscrunch) |
| Scrunch the weights.
| TimeSeries () |
| Null constructor.
| TimeSeries (const TimeSeries &ts) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual TimeSeries & | swap_data (DataSeries &ts) |
| Swaps the two TimeSeries if DataSeries is a TimeSeries. Returns '*this'.
virtual TimeSeries & | swap_data (TimeSeries &ts) |
| Swaps the two TimeSeries's. Returns '*this'.
virtual | ~TimeSeries () |
| Destructor.
virtual TimeSeries & | operator= (const TimeSeries ©) |
| Set this equal to copy.
void | copy (const Observation *) |
| Call TimeSeries::copy if Observation is a TimeSeries.
void | copy (const DataSeries *) |
| Call TimeSeries::copy if DataSeries is a TimeSeries.
virtual void | copy (const TimeSeries *ts) |
| Same as operator= but takes a pointer.
virtual TimeSeries & | operator+= (const TimeSeries &data) |
| Add each value in data to this.
virtual TimeSeries & | operator*= (float mult) |
| Multiple each value by this scalar.
Order | get_order () const |
| Get the order.
void | set_order (Order order) |
| Set the order.
virtual void | internal_match (const TimeSeries *) |
| Match the internal memory layout of another TimeSeries. More...
virtual void | internal_match (const DataSeries *) |
| Match the internal memory layout of another TimeSeries.
virtual void | set_nbit (unsigned) |
| Disable the set_nbit method of the Observation base class.
virtual void | decrease_ndat (uint64_t new_ndat) |
| Decrease the array lengths without changing the base pointers.
TimeSeries & | use_data (float *_buffer, uint64_t _ndat) |
| For nchan=1, npol=1 data this uses the data in 'buffer'.
float * | get_datptr (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) |
| Return pointer to the specified data block.
const float * | get_datptr (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) const |
| Return pointer to the specified data block.
float * | get_dattfp () |
| Return pointer to the specified data block.
const float * | get_dattfp () const |
| Return pointer to the specified data block.
void | prepend (const dsp::TimeSeries *, uint64_t pre_ndat=0) |
| Append the given TimeSeries to the end of 'this' Copy data from given TimeSeries in front of the current position.
int64_t | get_input_sample () const |
| Return the sample offset from the start of the data source.
void | set_input_sample (uint64_t sample) |
| Used to arrange pieces in order during input buffering.
uint64_t | get_nfloat_span () const |
| Get the span (number of floats)
double | mean (unsigned ichan, unsigned ipol) |
| Return the mean of the data for the specified channel and poln.
virtual void | check (float min=-10.0, float max=10.0) |
| Check that each floating point value is roughly as expected.
void | set_zeroed_data (bool _zeroed_data) |
| Set the zeroed data flag.
bool | get_zeroed_data () const |
| Get the zeroed data flag.
void | finite_check () const |
void | set_match (TimeSeries *) |
void | set_engine (Engine *) |
Engine * | get_engine () const |
unsigned | get_stride () const |
| DataSeries () |
| Null constructor.
| DataSeries (const DataSeries &ds) |
| Copy constructor.
void | initi () |
| Called by constructor to initialise variables.
virtual | ~DataSeries () |
| Destructor.
virtual DataSeries & | operator= (const DataSeries ©) |
| Set this equal to copy.
void | set_ndat (uint64_t) |
| Enforces that ndat*ndim must be an integer number of bytes.
void | set_ndim (unsigned) |
| Enforces that ndat*ndim must be an integer number of bytes.
void | set_npol (unsigned) |
| Set the number of polarizations. More...
void | set_nchan (unsigned) |
| Set the number of channels. More...
uint64_t | get_ndat_allocated () |
| return the number of samples the current buffer can hold
bool | reshape_required () |
| Return true if reshape of data series required.
virtual void | resize (uint64_t nsamples, unsigned char *&old_buffer) |
void | reshape () |
| Reshape the buffer to match the current attributes.
void | reshape (unsigned npol, unsigned ndim) |
| Reshape the buffer to match the specified attributes.
virtual unsigned char * | get_udatptr (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) |
| Return pointer to the specified block of time samples. More...
virtual const unsigned char * | get_udatptr (unsigned ichan=0, unsigned ipol=0) const |
| Return pointer to the specified block of time samples. More...
virtual uint64_t | get_subsize () |
| Stride (in bytes) between the same time sample in different chan/pol.
unsigned char * | internal_get_buffer () |
| Return the internal memory base address.
const unsigned char * | internal_get_buffer () const |
uint64_t | internal_get_size () const |
| Return the internal memory size.
uint64_t | internal_get_subsize () const |
| Return the internal memory sub-division size.
virtual void | set_memory (Memory *) |
| Set the memory manager.
const Memory * | get_memory () const |
| Observation () |
| Null constructor.
| Observation (const Observation &) |
| Copy constructor.
| Observation (const Observation *) |
| Copy from pointer constructor.
const Observation & | operator= (const Observation &) |
| Assignment operator.
virtual | ~Observation () |
| Virtual destructor (see Effective C++ Item 14)
virtual void | set_basis (Signal::Basis _basis) |
| Set the type of receiver feeds.
Signal::Basis | get_basis () const |
| Return the type of receiver feeds.
virtual void | set_state (Signal::State _state) |
| Set the state of the signal.
Signal::State | get_state () const |
| Return the state of the signal.
virtual void | set_type (Signal::Source _type) |
| Set the source type.
Signal::Source | get_type () const |
| Return the source type.
unsigned | get_ndim () const |
| Return the dimension of each datum.
unsigned | get_nchan () const |
| Return the number of channels into which the band is divided.
unsigned | get_npol () const |
| Return the number of polarizations.
unsigned | get_nbit () const |
| Return the number of bits per value.
uint64_t | bits_per_sample () const |
| Return the number of bits in a single time sample (over all channels, pols, and dimensions)
uint64_t | get_ndat () const |
| Return the number of time samples in container.
virtual void | set_telescope (const std::string &name) |
| Set the telescope name.
std::string | get_telescope () const |
| Return the telescope name.
virtual void | set_receiver (const std::string &name) |
| Set the receiver name.
std::string | get_receiver () const |
| Return the receiver name.
virtual void | set_source (const std::string &name) |
| Set the source name.
std::string | get_source () const |
| Return the source name.
virtual void | set_coordinates (sky_coord _coordinates) |
| Set the coordinates of the source.
sky_coord | get_coordinates () const |
| Return the coordinates of the source.
virtual void | set_centre_frequency (double cf) |
| Set the centre frequency of the band-limited signal in MHz.
double | get_centre_frequency () const |
| Return the centre frequency of the band-limited signal in MHz.
double | get_centre_frequency (unsigned ichan) const |
| Returns the centre frequency of the specified channel in MHz.
double | get_base_frequency () const |
| Returns the centre frequency of the reference channel in MHz.
unsigned | get_unswapped_ichan (unsigned ichan) const |
| Returns the unswapped channel index of the specified channel.
virtual void | set_bandwidth (double _bandwidth) |
| Set the bandwidth of signal in MHz (-ve = lsb; +ve = usb)
double | get_bandwidth () const |
| Return the bandwidth of signal in MHz (-ve = lsb; +ve = usb)
virtual void | set_start_time (MJD _start_time) |
| Set the start time of the leading edge of the first time sample.
MJD | get_start_time () const |
| Return the start time of the leading edge of the first time sample.
virtual void | set_rate (double _rate) |
| Set the sampling rate (time samples per second in Hz)
double | get_rate () const |
| Return the sampling rate (time samples per second in Hz)
virtual void | set_scale (double _scale) |
| Set the amount by which data has been scaled.
double | get_scale () const |
| Return the amount by which data has been scaled.
virtual void | set_swap (bool _swap) |
| Set true if frequency channels are out of order (band swappped)
bool | get_swap () const |
| Return true if frequency channels are out of order (band swappped)
virtual void | set_nsub_swap (unsigned _nsub) |
| Set the number of sub-bands that must be band swapped.
unsigned | get_nsub_swap () const |
| Return the number of sub-bands that must be band swapped.
virtual void | set_dual_sideband (int _dual) |
| Set to 1 if the spectrum in each channel has dual-sideband frequency order. More...
int | get_dual_sideband () const |
| Return the dual-sideband. More...
virtual void | set_dc_centred (bool _centred) |
| Set true if centre channel is centred on centre frequency. More...
bool | get_dc_centred () const |
virtual void | set_identifier (const std::string &_id) |
| Set the observation identifier.
std::string | get_identifier () const |
| Return the observation identifier.
virtual void | set_machine (const std::string &_m) |
| Set the instrument used to record signal.
std::string | get_machine () const |
| Return the instrument used to record signal.
virtual void | set_format (const std::string &_f) |
| Set the format used to record signal.
std::string | get_format () const |
| Return the format used to record signal.
virtual void | set_dispersion_measure (double dm) |
| Set the pulsar dispersion mesure.
double | get_dispersion_measure () const |
| Returns the pulsar dispersion measure.
virtual void | set_rotation_measure (double rm) |
| Set the pulsar rotation mesure.
double | get_rotation_measure () const |
| Returns the pulsar rotation measure.
virtual void | set_mode (const std::string &_mode) |
| Set the observation mode.
std::string | get_mode () const |
| Return the observation mode.
virtual void | set_calfreq (double _calfreq) |
| Set the calibrator frequency.
double | get_calfreq () const |
| get the calibrator frequency
virtual void | set_oversampling_factor (const Rational &_osf) |
| Set the oversampling factor.
const Rational & | get_oversampling_factor () const |
| Get the oversampling factor.
virtual void | set_deripple (const std::vector< dsp::FIRFilter > &_deripple) |
const std::vector< dsp::FIRFilter > & | get_deripple () const |
unsigned | get_deripple_stages () const |
virtual void | set_pfb_dc_chan (const bool _pfb_dc_chan) |
| set/get the DC PFB channel flag (for inverse filterbank)
bool | get_pfb_dc_chan () const |
virtual void | set_pfb_nchan (unsigned nchan) |
| set/get the number of channels output by the PFB per input channel
unsigned | get_pfb_nchan () const |
virtual void | change_state (Signal::State new_state) |
| Change the state and correct other attributes accordingly.
bool | state_is_valid (std::string &reason) const |
| Return true if the state of the Observation is valid. More...
bool | get_detected () const |
| Returns true if state is Detected, Coherence, or Stokes.
void | change_start_time (int64_t _ndat) |
| Change the start time by the number of time samples specified.
virtual MJD | get_end_time () const |
| Return the end time of the trailing edge of the last time sample.
uint64_t | get_idat (const MJD &mjd) |
| Return the nearest time sample corresponding to the specified MJD.
void | rescale (double factor) |
| Multiply scale by factor.
virtual uint64_t | get_nbytes (uint64_t nsamples) const |
| Return the size in bytes of nsamples time samples.
uint64_t | get_nbytes () const |
| Return the size in bytes of ndat time samples.
uint64_t | verbose_nbytes (uint64_t nsamples) const |
float | get_nbyte () const |
| Return the size in bytes of one time sample.
virtual uint64_t | get_nsamples (uint64_t nbytes) const |
| Return the number of samples in nbytes bytes.
void | copy_dimensions (const Observation *) |
| Copy the dimensions of another observation.
bool | combinable (const Observation &obs) const |
| Returns true if the signal may be integrated.
std::string | get_reason () |
| Returns the reason if combinable returns false.
bool | contiguous (const Observation &next) const |
| Return true if the first sample of next follows the last sample of this.
void | init () |
| Set all attributes to null default.
void | set_nbyte_nsample_policy (NbyteNsamplePolicy *) |
| Set the policy that defines the bijection between number of bytes and number of samples.
const NbyteNsamplePolicy * | get_nbyte_nsample_policy () const |
| Get the policy that defines the bijection between number of bytes and number of samples.
virtual TextInterface::Parser * | get_interface () |
| Return a text interface that can be used to access this instance.
| OwnStream (const OwnStream &) |
const OwnStream & | operator= (const OwnStream &) |
virtual void | set_cout (std::ostream &) const |
virtual void | set_cerr (std::ostream &) const |
| Able (const Able &) |
Able & | operator= (const Able &) |
unsigned | get_reference_count () const |
| HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &) |
HeapTracked & | operator= (const HeapTracked &) |
bool | __is_on_heap () const |