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SKDetector.h Computes the upper and lower bounds on estimates of the generalized spectral kurtosis. Definition: SKLimits.h:35 void set_input_tscr(TimeSeries *_input_tscr) Set the tsrunched SKFilterbank input. Definition: SKDetector.C:98 Defines the interface by which Transformations are performed on data. Definition: Transformation.h:54 void set_options(bool disable_fscr, bool disable_tscr, bool disable_ft) Set various options for SKDetector. Definition: SKDetector.C:90 std::vector< float > filtered_sum Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, post filtering. Definition: SKDetector.h:102 void get_filtered_hits(std::vector< uint64_t > &hits) const Hits on filtered average for each channel. Definition: SKDetector.h:62 std::vector< float > unfiltered_sum Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, before filtering. Definition: SKDetector.h:108 uint64_t unfiltered_hits Hits on unfiltered SK statistic, same for each channel. Definition: SKDetector.h:111 unsigned tscr_M Number of time samples integrated into tscr SK estimates. Definition: SKDetector.h:117 Reference::To< TimeSeries > input_tscr Tsrunched SK statistic timeseries for the current block. Definition: SKDetector.h:114 void reserve() Reserve the required amount of output space required. Definition: SKDetector.C:104 const ScalarMath sqrt(const ScalarMath &x) void get_unfiltered_sum(std::vector< float > &sum) const Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, before filtering. Definition: SKDetector.h:66 uint64_t get_unfiltered_hits() const Hits on unfiltered SK statistic, same for each channel. Definition: SKDetector.h:70 void transformation() Perform the transformation on the input time series. Definition: SKDetector.C:115 Arrays of consecutive samples for each polarization and frequency channel. Definition: TimeSeries.h:29 std::vector< uint64_t > filtered_hits Hits on filtered average for each channel. Definition: SKDetector.h:105 void set_thresholds(unsigned _M, float _n_std_devs) Set the RFI thresholds with the specified factor. Definition: SKDetector.C:65 A container for storing digitized (generally not floating point) data Definition: BitSeries.h:35 void get_filtered_sum(std::vector< float > &sum) const Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, post filtering. Definition: SKDetector.h:58 void set_channel_range(unsigned start, unsigned end) Set the channel range to conduct detection. Definition: SKDetector.C:84 float get_excision_threshold() const The excision threshold in number of standard deviations. Definition: SKDetector.h:55 unsigned M The number of adjacent blocks to be used in SK estimator. Definition: SKDetector.h:123 void reset_count() The arrays will be reset when count_zapped is next called. Definition: SKDetector.h:73 Reference::To< Engine > engine Interface to alternate processing engine (e.g. GPU) Definition: SKDetector.h:89 unsigned get_M() const The number of time samples used to calculate the SK statistic. Definition: SKDetector.h:52 Reference::To< const TimeSeries > input Container from which input data will be read. Definition: HasInput.h:49 Reference::To< BitSeries > output Container into which output data will be written. Definition: HasOutput.h:49 Generated using doxygen 1.8.17