| SKDetector () |
| Default constructor.
| ~SKDetector () |
| Destructor.
void | set_thresholds (unsigned _M, float _n_std_devs) |
| Set the RFI thresholds with the specified factor.
void | set_channel_range (unsigned start, unsigned end) |
| Set the channel range to conduct detection.
void | set_options (bool disable_fscr, bool disable_tscr, bool disable_ft) |
| Set various options for SKDetector.
void | set_input_tscr (TimeSeries *_input_tscr) |
| Set the tsrunched SKFilterbank input.
unsigned | get_M () const |
| The number of time samples used to calculate the SK statistic.
float | get_excision_threshold () const |
| The excision threshold in number of standard deviations.
void | get_filtered_sum (std::vector< float > &sum) const |
| Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, post filtering.
void | get_filtered_hits (std::vector< uint64_t > &hits) const |
| Hits on filtered average for each channel.
void | get_unfiltered_sum (std::vector< float > &sum) const |
| Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, before filtering.
uint64_t | get_unfiltered_hits () const |
| Hits on unfiltered SK statistic, same for each channel.
void | reset_count () |
| The arrays will be reset when count_zapped is next called.
void | set_engine (Engine *) |
| Transformation (const char *_name, Behaviour _type) |
| All sub-classes must specify name and capacity for inplace operation.
virtual | ~Transformation () |
| Destructor.
void | reserve () |
| Set the size of the output to that of the input by default.
void | set_input (const TimeSeries *input) |
| Set the container from which input data will be read.
void | set_output (BitSeries *output) |
| Set the container into which output data will be written.
Behaviour | get_type () const |
| Return the Transformation type.
virtual void | set_buffering_policy (BufferingPolicy *policy) |
| Set the policy for buffering input and/or output data.
bool | has_buffering_policy () const |
| Returns true if buffering_policy is set.
BufferingPolicy * | get_buffering_policy () const |
void | reset_min_samps () |
| Reset minimum_samps_can_process.
std::string | name (const std::string &function) const |
| String preceding output in verbose mode.
virtual void | set_cerr (std::ostream &os) const |
| Set verbosity ostream.
| Operation (const char *name) |
| All sub-classes must specify a unique name. More...
| Operation (const Operation &) |
| Copy constructor.
virtual | ~Operation () |
| Virtual destructor.
virtual bool | operate () |
| Call this method to operate on data Returns false on failure. More...
virtual void | prepare () |
| Prepare for data operations. More...
virtual void | add_extensions (Extensions *) |
| Add any extensions.
virtual void | combine (const Operation *) |
| Combine accumulated results with another operation. More...
virtual void | report () const |
| Report operation statistics.
virtual void | reset () |
| Reset accumulated results to intial values. More...
std::string | get_name () const |
| Return the unique name of this operation.
double | get_total_time () const |
| Return the total time spent on this Operation in seconds.
double | get_elapsed_time () const |
| Get the time spent in the last invocation of operate()
virtual uint64_t | get_total_weights () const |
| Return the total number of timesample weights encountered. More...
virtual uint64_t | get_discarded_weights () const |
| Return the number of invalid timesample weights encountered.
int | get_id () |
| Inquire the unique instantiation id.
virtual Function | get_function () const |
| Get the function classification of this operation.
virtual double | get_delay_time () const |
| Get the time delay of this operation, if any, in seconds.
virtual void | set_scratch (Scratch *) |
| Set the scratch space.
bool | scratch_was_set () const |
virtual uint64_t | bytes_storage () const |
| The number of bytes of additional storage used by the operation.
virtual uint64_t | bytes_scratch () const |
| The number of bytes of scratch space used by the operation. More...
| OwnStream (const OwnStream &) |
const OwnStream & | operator= (const OwnStream &) |
virtual void | set_cout (std::ostream &) const |
| Able (const Able &) |
Able & | operator= (const Able &) |
unsigned | get_reference_count () const |
| HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &) |
HeapTracked & | operator= (const HeapTracked &) |
bool | __is_on_heap () const |
virtual | ~HasInput () |
| Destructor.
const TimeSeries * | get_input () const |
| Return pointer to the container from which input data will be read.
bool | has_input () const |
| Returns true if input is set.
virtual | ~HasOutput () |
| Destructor.
virtual BitSeries * | get_output () const |
| Return pointer to the container into which output data will be written.
bool | has_output () const |
| Returns true if output is set.
Reference::To< Engine > | engine |
| Interface to alternate processing engine (e.g. GPU)
std::vector< float > | filtered_sum |
| Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, post filtering.
std::vector< uint64_t > | filtered_hits |
| Hits on filtered average for each channel.
std::vector< float > | unfiltered_sum |
| Total SK statistic for each poln/channel, before filtering.
uint64_t | unfiltered_hits |
| Hits on unfiltered SK statistic, same for each channel.
Reference::To< TimeSeries > | input_tscr |
| Tsrunched SK statistic timeseries for the current block.
unsigned | tscr_M |
| Number of time samples integrated into tscr SK estimates.
float | tscr_upper |
float | tscr_lower |
unsigned | M |
| The number of adjacent blocks to be used in SK estimator.
float | one_sigma |
float | n_std_devs |
float | upper_thresh |
float | lower_thresh |
float | mega_upper_thresh |
float | mega_lower_thresh |
unsigned | s_chan |
unsigned | e_chan |
uint64_t | ndat_zapped |
uint64_t | ndat_zapped_skfb |
uint64_t | ndat_zapped_mega |
uint64_t | ndat_zapped_fscr |
uint64_t | ndat_zapped_tscr |
uint64_t | ndat_total |
bool | disable_fscr |
bool | disable_tscr |
bool | disable_ft |
unsigned | debugd |
Reference::To< BufferingPolicy > | buffering_policy |
| The buffering policy in place (if any)
int64_t | minimum_samps_can_process |
| If input doesn't have this many samples, operate() returns false.
Scratch * | scratch |
| Shared scratch space, if needed.
bool | set_scratch_called |
std::string | name |
| Operation name.
uint64_t | discarded_weights |
| Number of time sample weights encountered that are flagged invalid.
uint64_t | total_weights |
| Total number of time sample weights encountered.
RealTimer | optime |
| Stop watch records the amount of time spent performing this operation.
int | id |
| Unique instantiation id.
bool | prepared |
| Set true when preparation optimizations are completed.
Reference::To< const TimeSeries > | input |
| Container from which input data will be read.
Reference::To< BitSeries > | output |
| Container into which output data will be written.
Apply SKFilterbank results to a weighted timeseries.