dsp::EmerlinTwoBitTable Class Reference

Look-up tables for conversion from Emerlin two-bit to floating point numbers. More...

#include <EmerlinTwoBitTable.h>

Inheritance diagram for dsp::EmerlinTwoBitTable:
dsp::TwoBitTable dsp::BitTable Reference::Able Reference::HeapTracked

Public Member Functions

 EmerlinTwoBitTable ()
 ~EmerlinTwoBitTable ()
virtual unsigned extract (unsigned byte, unsigned sample) const
 Return the 2-bit number from byte corresponding to sample.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dsp::TwoBitTable
 TwoBitTable (Type type, bool reverse_bits=false)
void set_lo_val (float lo_val)
 Set the value of the low voltage state.
float get_lo_val () const
 Return the value of the low voltage state.
void set_hi_val (float hi_val)
 Set the value of the high voltage state.
float get_hi_val () const
 Return the value of the high voltage state.
void set_reverse_2bit (bool flag=true)
 Set the reverse_2bit attribute.
bool get_reverse_2bit () const
 Get the reverse_2bit value.
void rebuild ()
 Build a two-bit table with the current attributes.
void generate_unique_values (float *vals) const
 Generate a look-up table for 2-bit to floating point conversion.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dsp::BitTable
 BitTable (unsigned nbit, Type type, bool reverse_bits=false)
virtual ~BitTable ()
void set_effective_nbit (unsigned bits)
 Set the effective number of bits. More...
unsigned get_effective_nbit () const
void set_order (Order)
 Set the order of the samples in each byte.
Order get_order () const
void set_zero_is_a_threshold (bool)
 Set to true if zero is a threshold; set to false if zero is a value. More...
bool get_zero_is_a_threshold () const
unsigned get_values_per_byte () const
 Get the number of floating point values per byte, 8/N.
unsigned get_unique_values () const
 Get the number of unique values of an N-bit integer, 2^N.
double get_scale () const
 Get the scale factor used to normalize the variance to unity.
Type get_type () const
 Return the digitization convention.
const float * get_values (unsigned byte=0) const
 Returns pointer to values_per_byte floats represented by byte.
void generate (float *table) const
 Generate a look-up table for conversion to floating point. More...
virtual double get_optimal_variance () const
 Return the optimal variance of normally distributed samples.
virtual double get_nlow_threshold () const
 Return the optimal threshold closest to and less than unity.
virtual void get_nlow_lookup (char *nlow_lookup) const
 Return the number of low voltage states in each of 256 bytes.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
 Able (const Able &)
Ableoperator= (const Able &)
unsigned get_reference_count () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::HeapTracked
 HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &)
HeapTrackedoperator= (const HeapTracked &)
bool __is_on_heap () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from dsp::BitTable
enum  Type { OffsetBinary, TwosComplement, SignMagnitude }
 Interpretation of the bits in each value.
enum  Order { MostToLeast, LeastToMost }
 The order of values in each byte (bit significance)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
static size_t get_instance_count ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::HeapTracked
static void * operator new (size_t size, void *ptr=0)
static void operator delete (void *location, void *ptr)
static void operator delete (void *location)
static size_t get_heap_queue_size ()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from dsp::BitTable
static const unsigned bits_per_byte = 8
 Number of bits per bytes.
static const unsigned unique_bytes = 1 << bits_per_byte
 Number of unique 8-bit combinations.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dsp::BitTable
void build ()
 Build the lookup table.
void destroy ()
 Destroy the lookup table.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
Handle__reference (bool active) const
void __dereference (bool auto_delete=true) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from dsp::TwoBitTable
float lo_val
 Value of voltage in low state.
float hi_val
 Value of voltage in high state.
bool reverse_2bit
 Flip the two data bits - that is SignMag becomes MagSign.
- Protected Attributes inherited from dsp::BitTable
float * table
 For each unsigned char, values of the two output voltage states.
Type type
 Digitization convention.
const unsigned nbit
 Number of bits.
unsigned zero_is_a_threshold
 Zero is a threshold.
unsigned effective_nbit
 The effective number of bits.
const bool reverse_bits
 Reverse the order of the bits.
Order order
 The order of the samples in each byte.
const unsigned values_per_byte
 Number of N-bit values per byte.
const unsigned unique_values
 Number of unique N-bit values.
const unsigned nbit_mask
 N-bit mask.
double scale
 The scale factor used to normalize the variance to unity.

Detailed Description

Look-up tables for conversion from Emerlin two-bit to floating point numbers.

Emerlin defines bits to run in time order from LSB to MSB, this is the opposite of the standard dspsr TwoBitTable convention so we need to override the 'extract' function here.

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