A single LoadToFITS thread. More...

#include <LoadToFITS.h>

Inheritance diagram for dsp::LoadToFITS:
dsp::SingleThread dsp::Pipeline Reference::Able Reference::HeapTracked


class  Config
 Load, unpack, filterbank, re-digitize, and write to FITS. More...

Public Member Functions

void set_configuration (Config *)
 Set the configuration to be used in prepare and run. More...
 LoadToFITS (Config *config=0)
void construct ()
 Create the pipeline.
void prepare ()
 Final preparations before running.
- Public Member Functions inherited from dsp::SingleThread
 SingleThread ()
 ~SingleThread ()
void set_configuration (Config *)
 Set the configuration.
void set_source (Source *)
 Set the Source from which data are obtained. More...
Sourceget_source ()
 Get the Source from which data are obtained.
void initialize ()
 Initialize resources required by signal procesing pipline.
void construct ()
 Build the signal processing pipeline.
void prepare ()
 Prepare the signal processing pipeline.
void seek_epoch (const MJD &)
 Seek such that output starts at the specified epoch.
void run ()
 Run through the data.
virtual void share (SingleThread *)
 Share any necessary resources with the specified thread.
virtual void combine (const SingleThread *)
 Combine the results from another processing thread.
void finish ()
 Finish everything. More...
uint64_t get_minimum_samples () const
 Get the minimum number of samples required to process.
void take_ostream (std::ostream *newlog)
 Take and manage a new ostream instance.
void set_affinity (int core)
const std::vector< Reference::To< Operation > > get_operations ()
 get the operations being performed
uint64_t set_block_size (uint64_t minimum_samples, uint64_t input_overlap=0)
 Set the number of time samples per block, based on RAM constraints.
- Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
 Able (const Able &)
Ableoperator= (const Able &)
unsigned get_reference_count () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::HeapTracked
 HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &)
HeapTrackedoperator= (const HeapTracked &)
bool __is_on_heap () const

Public Attributes

Reference::To< Configconfig
 Configuration parameters.
Reference::To< Filterbankfilterbank
 The filterbank in use.
Reference::To< Dedispersionkernel
 The dedispersion kernel.
Reference::To< Convolutionconvolution
 The convolution operation.
Reference::To< OutputFileoutputFile
 The output file.
- Public Attributes inherited from dsp::SingleThread
std::ostream cerr
 The verbose output stream shared by all operations.
unsigned thread_id

Static Public Attributes

static bool verbose = false
 Verbose output.


class LoadToFITSN

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
static size_t get_instance_count ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Reference::HeapTracked
static void * operator new (size_t size, void *ptr=0)
static void operator delete (void *location, void *ptr)
static void operator delete (void *location)
static size_t get_heap_queue_size ()
- Protected Types inherited from dsp::SingleThread
enum  State {
  Fail, Idle, Construct, Constructed,
  Prepare, Prepared, Run, Done,
 Processing thread states. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from dsp::SingleThread
virtual void end_of_data ()
 Any special operations that must be performed at the end of data.
virtual void prepare (Source *)
 Configure the source, if possible.
void configure_overlap (Source *, Memory *)
 Configure overlap memory, if possible.
TimeSeriesnew_time_series ()
 Create a new TimeSeries instance.
TimeSeriesnew_TimeSeries ()
void insert_dump_point (const std::string &transformation_name)
 Insert a dump point before the named operation.
void insert_mask (const std::string &transformation_name)
 Insert a mask before the named operation.
const std::string & app ()
 The name of the application running this thread.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Reference::Able
Handle__reference (bool active) const
void __dereference (bool auto_delete=true) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from dsp::SingleThread
std::ostream * log
 Pointer to the ostream.
State state
 Processing state.
Error error
 Error status.
 State change communication.
 Mutex protecting source.
 Processing thread with whom sharing will occur.
Reference::To< Sourcesource
 Manages loading and unpacking.
Reference::To< TimeSeriessource_output
 The TimeSeries into which the Source outputs data.
Reference::To< Configconfig
 Configuration information.
std::vector< Reference::To< Operation > > operations
 The operations to be performed.
Reference::To< Scratchscratch
 The scratch space shared by all operations.
uint64_t minimum_samples
 The minimum number of samples required to process.
Reference::To< Memorydevice_memory
void * gpu_stream
int gpu_device

Detailed Description

A single LoadToFITS thread.

Member Function Documentation

◆ set_configuration()

void dsp::LoadToFITS::set_configuration ( Config configuration)

Set the configuration to be used in prepare and run.

Run through the data.

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