An extension of dsp::RingBuffer to allow any class to run in a separate thread Be wary of use in save_data context + CombineThread context Be wary of changing input/output of the Operation mid-run HSK 17 January 2005.
Reference::To< Operation > | op |
| The class being run simultaneously.
bool | thread_running |
| True if the thread has been started up.
vector< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | input_buffers |
| Buffers for storing data
vector< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | output_buffers |
std::queue< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | free_input_buffers |
| Ordered list of who is to be used next.
std::queue< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | full_input_buffers |
std::queue< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | free_output_buffers |
std::queue< Reference::To< BasicBuffer > > | full_output_buffers |
Reference::To< BasicBuffer > | op_input |
| Has the actual Buffers that the Operation was originally set up with.
Reference::To< BasicBuffer > | op_output |
pthread_mutex_t | free_input_buffers_mutex |
| Mutexes and conds.
pthread_mutex_t | full_input_buffers_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | free_output_buffers_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | full_output_buffers_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | free_input_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | full_input_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | free_output_mutex |
pthread_mutex_t | full_output_mutex |
pthread_cond_t | free_input_cond |
pthread_cond_t | full_input_cond |
pthread_cond_t | free_output_cond |
pthread_cond_t | full_output_cond |
pthread_mutex_t | synch_mutex |
pthread_cond_t | synch_cond |
pthread_mutex_t | running_mutex |
pthread_cond_t | running_cond |
float | wait_time |
| Time-out time on call to pthread_cond_wait (in seconds) [1.0].
bool | use_threads |
| Whether to use threads [true].
pthread_t * | op_thread |
| The thread object.
bool | keep_running |
| Whether the user wants to finish up or keep running [true].
bool | synch |
| Whether to synchronise work with the main thread [false].
Scratch * | scratch |
| Shared scratch space, if needed.
bool | set_scratch_called |
std::string | name |
| Operation name.
uint64_t | discarded_weights |
| Number of time sample weights encountered that are flagged invalid.
uint64_t | total_weights |
| Total number of time sample weights encountered.
RealTimer | optime |
| Stop watch records the amount of time spent performing this operation.
int | id |
| Unique instantiation id.
bool | prepared |
| Set true when preparation optimizations are completed.
An extension of dsp::RingBuffer to allow any class to run in a separate thread Be wary of use in save_data context + CombineThread context Be wary of changing input/output of the Operation mid-run HSK 17 January 2005.