void | set_configuration (Config *) |
| Set the configuration to be used in prepare and run.
| LoadToFold (Config *config=0) |
| Constructor.
| ~LoadToFold () |
| Destructor.
void | construct () |
| Create the pipeline.
void | prepare () |
| Finish preparing.
void | run () |
| Run through the data.
void | finish () |
| Finish everything. More...
void | share (SingleThread *) |
| Share any necessary resources with the specified thread.
void | end_of_data () |
| Wrap up tasks at end of data.
bool | output_subints () const |
| Return true if the output will be divided into sub-integrations.
TimeSeries * | construct_inverse_filterbank (TimeSeries *, bool run_on_gpu=false) |
| Construct an inverse filterbank.
TimeSeries * | construct_filterbank (TimeSeries *, bool run_on_gpu=false) |
| Construct a filterbank.
TimeSeries * | construct_convolution (TimeSeries *, bool run_on_gpu=false) |
| Construct a convolution operation.
TimeSeries * | construct_interchan (TimeSeries *, bool run_on_gpu=false) |
| Construct interchannel dispersive delay correction operation.
TimeSeries * | construct_spectral_kurtosis (TimeSeries *data, bool run_on_gpu=false) |
| Construct generalized spectral kurtosis estimator.
void | construct_phased_filterbank (TimeSeries *input) |
| Construct phase-locked filterbank.
void | build_fold (TimeSeries *) |
| Build to fold the given TimeSeries.
void | build_fold (Reference::To< Fold > &, PhaseSeriesUnloader *) |
void | configure_fold (unsigned ifold, TimeSeries *to_fold) |
void | configure_detection (Detection *, unsigned) |
PhaseSeriesUnloader * | get_unloader (unsigned ifold) |
void | prepare_fold () |
| Prepare all fold instances.
void | prepare_archiver (Archiver *) |
| Prepare the given Archiver.
MJD | parse_epoch (const std::string &) |
| Parse the epoch string into a reference epoch.
| SingleThread () |
| Constructor.
| ~SingleThread () |
| Destructor.
void | set_configuration (Config *) |
| Set the configuration.
void | set_source (Source *) |
| Set the Source from which data are obtained. More...
Source * | get_source () |
| Get the Source from which data are obtained.
void | initialize () |
| Initialize resources required by signal procesing pipline.
void | seek_epoch (const MJD &) |
| Seek such that output starts at the specified epoch.
virtual void | combine (const SingleThread *) |
| Combine the results from another processing thread.
uint64_t | get_minimum_samples () const |
| Get the minimum number of samples required to process.
void | take_ostream (std::ostream *newlog) |
| Take and manage a new ostream instance.
void | set_affinity (int core) |
const std::vector< Reference::To< Operation > > | get_operations () |
| get the operations being performed
uint64_t | set_block_size (uint64_t minimum_samples, uint64_t input_overlap=0) |
| Set the number of time samples per block, based on RAM constraints.
| Able (const Able &) |
Able & | operator= (const Able &) |
unsigned | get_reference_count () const |
| HeapTracked (const HeapTracked &) |
HeapTracked & | operator= (const HeapTracked &) |
bool | __is_on_heap () const |
static size_t | get_instance_count () |
static void * | operator new (size_t size, void *ptr=0) |
static void | operator delete (void *location, void *ptr) |
static void | operator delete (void *location) |
static size_t | get_heap_queue_size () |
enum | State {
} |
| Processing thread states. More...
virtual void | prepare (Source *) |
| Configure the source, if possible.
void | configure_overlap (Source *, Memory *) |
| Configure overlap memory, if possible.
TimeSeries * | new_time_series () |
| Create a new TimeSeries instance.
TimeSeries * | new_TimeSeries () |
void | insert_dump_point (const std::string &transformation_name) |
| Insert a dump point before the named operation.
void | insert_mask (const std::string &transformation_name) |
| Insert a mask before the named operation.
const std::string & | app () |
| The name of the application running this thread.
Handle * | __reference (bool active) const |
void | __dereference (bool auto_delete=true) const |
std::ostream * | log |
| Pointer to the ostream.
State | state |
| Processing state.
Error | error |
| Error status.
ThreadContext * | state_change |
| State change communication.
ThreadContext * | source_context |
| Mutex protecting source.
SingleThread * | colleague |
| Processing thread with whom sharing will occur.
Reference::To< Source > | source |
| Manages loading and unpacking.
Reference::To< TimeSeries > | source_output |
| The TimeSeries into which the Source outputs data.
Reference::To< Config > | config |
| Configuration information.
std::vector< Reference::To< Operation > > | operations |
| The operations to be performed.
Reference::To< Scratch > | scratch |
| The scratch space shared by all operations.
uint64_t | minimum_samples |
| The minimum number of samples required to process.
Reference::To< Memory > | device_memory |
void * | gpu_stream |
int | gpu_device |
A single LoadToFold thread.